IB Gateway Setup

  1. Make sure that Interactive Broker's (IB) IB Gateway interface is installed. You can download it directly from IB:
  2. Note that IB Gateway must be running and logged in on your local machine, while PTF is running, in order to use IB as a data source.
  3. Once you have IB Gateway started, there are some configuration settings that must be set.
    • Click on Configure (from the top menu), then Settings.
    • Navigate to API and click on Settings (in the left pane).
    • The value for "Socket Port" should match the IB Port Number setting in PTF.
    • "Allow connections from localhost only" should be checked.
    • Click the "OK" or "Apply" button.

    • Make sure that the port selected in IB settings, matches the IB port selected in PTF settings (System Preferences / IB API Settings tab)

    • Don't forget to keep IB Gateway on and logged in while you run PTF.

In case of further questions or issues, please contact support@pairtradefinder.com
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